Our location

Our house is situated overlooking Uig Bay, about 100m from the shore. Our croft has a path giving you access from your room down to one of the Hebrides most iconic beaches. Over the last 26 years we have welcomed visitors from all over the world who have fallen for the ‘Uig bug’!

Somebody has to sit here and look at this…. By the way, our new bench is made up from 36,000 recycled plastic bottles. (Not so stifled yawns from the family as this fascinating fact is repeated….)

We have very little light pollution so are fortunate enough to be able to see the Northern Lights regularly – no guarantees however!

Northern lights!

The weather is always changing and we are a great spot for rainbows – that’s a polite way of explaining that it is Scotland and it does rain sometimes!

Winter and summer we are very lucky to live in such a beautiful location

The road into the village

Winter sunrise

Hungry girls in the village

Some very obliging Saltire contrails!